Monday, April 2, 2012

R&J missed connections

On Craigslist there is such a thing as a "missed connections" section (Note, you must be 18 to go to Craigslist's version, so I recommend you get parent permission if you want to check it out).

"Missed Connections" provides a forum for people to write their feelings to another persion who they have only met briefly or seen from a distance. Here's a real example of one posted over Spring Break:

Mark; tall, dark, and handsome--24 w4m (caphill)
Yep, I have reduced this situation to writing a missed connection, because quite frankly, you will never know otherwise. I have been unbelievably attracted to you from the second I met you...your intellect, your quirk, your nonchalant trendiness. We have shared many great conversations and you've always had a tone of voice that made me want you even more. 
My attraction to you is more than skin deep, which makes it that much harder when I see you. Although, I believe if I tried to take initiative in the right situation, you would jump at the chance. I guarantee you wouldn't regret that decision.
But really, you have so much charm, especially for someone who acts particularly selfish around others...maybe the theory that women are attracted to people they can never have holds itself to be true. Even if that's the case, it doesn't stop me from lusting towards you. 


You can easily imagine Juliet writing something like this. Your blog comment mission is this:

Write a full, creative, and well-developed "missed connections" in the voice of either Romeo or Juliet and their love for one another after the Masque and Balcony scene. Post your missed connection as a comment below. 

Keep your writing school appropriate & know that you get bonus points for including specific details from the play. 


  1. Oh doth are thou beauty that haunts me night and day, i saw you at the ball and i was paralyzed by your beauty. Your eyes are as full as the moon, and your scent is intoxicating that i had no control over myself. As you were dragged away i could not help but feel that I felt my soul scream for you as you were getting farther away from me. As I lay in wait to see you again i stay under the Sycamore tree. If to meet again, i feel that a spring or too may break on your bed, and your sheets would be in need of a wash. My attraction for you is stronger than the structure that hold up your castle my fair maiden.

  2. I saw you at the ball last night. I thought you were very pretty and when I confessed my love for you on the balcony, I was completely serious. We may never get the chance to be together because when you were carted upstairs by the nurse and your mom, I found out you were a Capulet and I am a Montague. I would love to come over to your house again and maybe spend the night. Even if our parents disprove, I know we can be together anyway.

  3. I know you'll never read this, but your smell was intoxicating. vile and sick yet so attractive. after I left that tall balcony, my clothes reeked of skunk and fish and it made me miss you even more. Perhaps it was your breath, maybe it was your clothes. all i know is you reeked of curry in a jar of relish. Since you wont be reading this, I don't have a problem with saying this. When you were sleeping, i broke into your bathroom and stole the hair from your brush and I am currently eating it. You taste delicious. Sincerly, your favorite boy

  4. I have been looking at you from afar and you were so beautiful but then I saw you running p the stairs with your mom and the nurse and thats when I knew you were a capulet but you were looking hot on your balcony tonight and I was to scared to talk to you but I did and I cant wait for the letter at 9

  5. I meet you the night of my family's ball. You were dressed in a knight outfit, looking ever so handsome. I knew that from the moment I meet you I knew we were supposed to be together, but something is keeping us apart. Our two families are enemies and loath each other to the death. But I'm willing to over come that and be with you for the rest of my life, and tomorrow we will know for sure. Meet my nurse tomorrow at nine in the town center with my answer to the question you asked me last night, on my balcony.

  6. Romeo
    I know we barely met, but I fell in love with you the second I saw you. I was having a horrible time at that party and then I laid my eyes on you and you took my breath away. Dancing with that man was terrible. He doesn't know what hes doing. Then when i found you again it was the best second of my life. I couldn't believe what had happened. When I found you in the bushes my heart skipped a beat. You are the light of my life and it hurts to not be near you.

  7. My attraction to you is like none other. We met at a party and fell in love with you as soon as I saw you. You saw me too and I believe you also have deep feelings for me by the way you looked at me. I thought I had loved before but I knew that when I saw you it was real true love. I chased you around and we ended up in an elevator and shared a passionate kiss that I will never forget. Your beauty is like none other and makes me want to be with you and marry you and spend the rest of my life with you. Even though I barely know you and I did find out that you were in the family of a sworn enemy, that will not stop my love towards you. We seemed to have a connection that no two other people in the world could have, I want to be with you forever.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Juliet-
    At the moment i saw you in the upstairs room, I wanted to be with you. You were perfect in every way possible. I just want to feel you up all night. We made out so freaking hard I was like "I'm never leaving you", call me babe.

  10. Went I first saw you at the party it was like love at first sight. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. The moment you took my hand I felt a spark, it was like we were meant to be. I couldn't bare to separate from you. I was heartbroken when i found out you were a Montagues, but that didn't stop my attraction from you. When you showed up at my Balcony I couldn't believe it. The only thing that is keeping us apart is our family name, I would give anything to change that. It was truly love at first sight for me, and up till now you are still on my mind. -Juliet

  11. tonight was the night that i have met my future lover, romeo. Tonight at the party when i saw you for the first time when you were in the bathroom and i was in my room when we were looking at each other through the fish tank. by the end of the night we were kissing on the balcony, you say that you love me but i don't know if you truly do or if you just want to sleep with me, i am so anxious awaiting your response if you will marry me tomorrow. Your answer should be interesting

  12. the way you looked when you went to your mom running up those stairs and the way we made eye contact and the way i undressed you with my eyes. omg your so good making out you did so hard and yummy. Your tounge so soft and great. i want her she needs to be mine. Also while i was watching you in the bushes i can tell you just wanting me as i wanted you the way you spoke just got me going ugh i need you!!!! hit me up homie 720-696-6969
    Taden jones

  13. Juliet

    I first met you at the masquerade ball. We were just looking at each other when you were taken away by your nurse. Your long, beautiful, brown hair and eyes that sparkle like the stars wowed me. Even though you are a Capulet, as I found out when you, the nurse, and Lady Capulet were talking, I can get over it because you are such an amazing person. After the party I was watching you from the bushes admiring everything about you. Then we met on the balcony of your house and made out. I was in heaven. I hope your nurse will tell me the answer I want to hear tomorrow at nine. I want to love you forever and marry you. Maybe our love can never be because you are a Capulet and I am a Montague, but I will always dream of you and I.

  14. Missed Connection- Looking for the beautiful little 13 year old i just made out with. After being in a romantic lock of passion with you, i realize that your the only one i need to make me happy ;). After that first time i checked you out at the party, my eyes were fixed to your, anyways if you read this call me babe.

  15. As your admirer and lover, i can say you have to loveliest face and eyes in all of Verona. the time we spent have been the best moments of my life, and when we next meet, they are sure to get better! Love is a complicated puzzle, throwing obstacles and berries in our way. For i will destroy each one with my name so we can be together. My heart was lost and broken when i entered your party, but one look at your soft ivory skin and face not only healed it, but sent my blood pumping.Then again i looked upon your face in the bushes as you declared your love for me, sending my thought to the depths beneath thy covers. you are thy light of my world, and the future bearer of my children.

  16. JULIET.

    Oh man. Your hot. I bet your bed is really soft and comfy... At the party i saw you, lookin' fly, and i knew that i had to have you. The way your tongue felt on mine was amazing. I need to see you again, this time much closer. Call me back at 303-696-6969

  17. Tonight, Juliet Capulet called for me and asked for my promise. We agreed to meet again at 0900 hours tomorrow. I will be there at 0859. No earlier, no later. It seems I was wrong to think my dream was a foretelling of the future. To think that I would be caught and be sentenced to death by the Montague. Because of this night, I see a Capulet different tonight. I may die for posting this message Ms. Capulet, because your parents may see this, but it be worth it to say what I feel.

  18. Romeo, I have only known you for a night but I have already fallen in love with you. The first time I saw you at the ball I didn't recongize you as a Montague but that name means nothing to me anymore even if it is my sworn enemy. The way the stars shine in your eyes is breath taking as is the way you kiss me. Your touch sends sparks through my body. When you promised me that you'd marry me I felt like leaping for joy. I want to stay with you and love you forever. Yours forever, Juliet.

  19. As my eyes wondered from fish to fish, I never thought I would ever see something as beautiful as you. As our eyes held on to each other, I never wanted to look away. I watched you dance in your beautiful ways and I waited patiently waited for the song to end. I took your hand and lead you into my arms as I watched your beautiful smile light up my world. I love you, Juliet, and I would do anything for you.

  20. Dearest Romeo,

    I realize we have only met once, however, I believe that I have fallen in love with you. My greatest fear is that we shan’t be together, because I want nothing more than to be with you. The loving way you held me close and the passionate way you kissed, hath caused my longing for you in your absence. I wish nothing more than to be with you eternally, but our warring families doth cause our separation. Thou art a Montague, yet I love the better than thou canst devise.

    ~Juliet Capulet~

  21. Romeo,
    I second we laid eyes upon each other I realized that you were the one. The connection I feel for you is more than I have ever felt towards someone. I know that our love is forbidden but it doesn't matter to me. The way that the stars sine in your eyes is almost as breath taking as the first time we kissed. I love you my dearest Romeo.
    Yours forever Juliet.

  22. Juliet,

    From the moment I saw you, I knew that you were the one. The fire of lust for you that burns within me is brighter than the sun and I am ready for anything you have to offer. You have the ability to please me like no one else before and nothing can break that bond. Send me your approving response. I'll be waiting.

  23. the girl i just met today just took me away. she was tall thin hot funny and i think her name was juliet. if you are reading this i want you to know that i am Romeo. even though we have 2 totally different beliefs.. i think it will still work out.


  24. Dear Juliet,
    After the amazing moment on the balcony I can't stop thinking about how much I love you. When I think about what we could be if we were not Capulet and Montague my heart aches. There are only so many things in this world to fight for and I have found one. Juliet I wish you were mine.

  25. Dear Romeo,
    I find that after us meeting on the balcony I am being pulled closer to you. When we first laid eyes on each other at the masquerade I was so amazed by how beautiful your face is. I never thought that I would be falling in love, just today when I was talking with my mother and the maid I said that I don't know love an I don't want to know it. But I am falling for you faster than an apple that is falling from a tree. Oh romeo I miss you already is it possible for one to miss the other after they just met? I don't know but I wish to know if you are feeling the same way please right me back romeo I need to know your words and see them upon my computer screen,

    Love Juliet

  26. im writing this mis-connection to find my lady that i have only meat for an hour. at the party and on the balcony where a first love was made strong by a sudden love. a unknown man has taken me away on a night i can remember so vividly. but then theres paris , but he is only of aweak breath that never had a chance. if i could i would leave with you but instead i decicded i must stay. then i sent you a hidden message in the face of my own maid. i wish we could of meet longer for the time we spend seems to go fast then light itself. if i can find you i hope i caqn that youll respone in a timely matter. for i do wish you write back my man in armour. ive never dreamed of love before this day and know i am longer more than ever to love for you. Please write back


  27. The moment I saw you I was immediately pulled towards you like metal to a magnet. your eyes as beautiful as a winter grove, and your hair soft flowing like a lion's mane. we met but once and i long to see you again. your nature and talent is irresistible. The one problem is our feuding families are the barrier between our love and passion.thus our love shall be secret and deep. you stole my heart and i want yours in return

  28. Juliet,

    My sweet love, for you my love grows deeper than the ocean every second I stare into your eyes. How I wish we were not so far. However as far as we are know that I will always be at your side. Your skin soft as the pedals of a flower. Your eyes so beautiful as if they were a rolling ocean. Oh Juliet, how I wish they could see our love. Forever will our love be.


  29. I believe your name was Romeo. I couldn't remember because of the extreme love I felt for you when I saw you. Who would have guessed that I would meet the love of my life at a costume party? Especially for me to fall in love with one of Montague decent. Oh Romeo how I miss you. Come back to me young Montague. I can't contact you but if you happen to read this please meet me at the balcony by my room. Oh how I wish you could change and not be a Montague. I will forever long for your return.

    Forever Yours,
    Juliet Capulet

  30. My sweet Juliet,
    When i first laid eyes upon you, i knew that you where the one for me. Our connection is unbreakable, i lie awake at night thinking of you, holding you, being with you. I eagerly await your reply to my offering of love.

  31. Hey Jules!

    You looked fine at that party last night. I've only known you for one night and I know you're a Capulet but I know for sure that you are the one. Maybe you remember how I proclaimed my love for you on the balcony. Maybe you remember how we sucked face a bunch. Maybe you want some more. If you want to hook up or get married or something, meet me tomorrow at 9:00 and we can take it to the next level. I'm sure no one will die because of it.


  32. Dearest Romeo,
    Where art thou? I have seen thee once and I never again want to be separated. Our love will be questioned by many and all which is why I must know that you are committed. Love at first sight is what this is and now we will spend the rest of our lives committed and fully together. When I first saw thee it was as if cupid struck me with his arrow. Before this happening I had not known what love truly was nor in my mind did I believe that love existed. You have proved me wrong fair maiden. I must see thou again and when we meet we will live life together freely as one.

  33. Dear fairest maiden, my love for you burns inside my bosom with a fire unlike another. Your beauty puts all others to shame, your lips entrance me as they meet mine. I wish for nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with thou, though we have just met. Your purity captivates me to a degree that is unfathomable. I must meet you again and I fear this could be my only chance, for true love only lasts as long as the echo of a bird without being sounded.

  34. Romeo,
    I realize we have only met once, but from the second I saw you I fell in love with you. Even though our love is forbidden, I dont care. Its just a name, and our love is more important that our families fued. I only wish our families could see the way we love eachother. I love you my dearest Romeo.
    Forever yours,Juliet.

  35. Romeo Montague,

    Although we have meet only once, I find myself deeply in love with you. My only wish is that our families were not enemies and that we could be free to love you forever. I keep remembering when you visited by balcony and you told me of your love, and I remember feeling, and wishing, that we could not be separated no matter what our parents tell us. Oh Romeo, how I love you so!

    Juliet Capulet

  36. I know we have only just met, but I knew that the moment that I saw you that I had to have you, no matter the consequence. I know that you are a Montague, and that I am a Capulet, but I truly love you. My deepest hearts desire is to be with you every moment of every day. When I first saw you at the ball, I did not recognize you to be a Montague. But that is no matter to me, for our family names cannot separate the love holding us together. I love you more and more every moment we are together.

  37. Juliet,

    We have only met once yet at first sight of you I fell madly in love. When our eyes met for the first time I knew there was something special. My love grows deeper every second I am with you. Yet our love is forbidden and I fear that we shall not be able to be together forever. I think about you every second and I can't stand not to be with you.


  38. Romeo
    My love I have realized that we have only been together for one night and yet i don't know you. I only wish to be with you every second of every day until the last day we draw our last breath. This loneliness and separation from you caused by our families is torcher and thou can'st hold it in much longer.

  39. Dear Juliet,
    You have been racing through my mind, consuming my every thought. The other night on the balcony was the most magical, and unbelievable moment I have ever experienced. Your breathtaking beauty, your bright shining eyes, shine brighter than the sun. You have blinded me, my love. I dream of your kisses, soft, gentle, like a sweet butterfly. I long for the moment that we touch again, and be forever lovers.

  40. Love is a rare thing in our world,in this day and age. People rarely feel love, and most of them don't recognize it when they do. I must admit that no one has ever felt this way towards me, nor I of them, but that, in itself is somethng special. Although we cannot be together, I feel as though we were, are, and always will be together. A montague and a capulete being together seems almost disastorous, but i love thee with all my heart.


  41. Romeo,
    I saw my love for the first time tonight. Our eyes met and I new we were ment to be. I look at you and wondered if you could be real,for earlier that day I had told my mother that I did not intend on getting married yet. Although you changed my mind in a mear minute when I heard you promise your love to me. I know our families will always disaprove of a Montague and Capulet so our love must be secret.
    -Your Dearest Juliet

  42. Dearest Juliet,
    It is my belief of thyself that the moon looks to thee to see true beauty. I cannot bring thyself to stop thinking about thee. My love for thee is enormously strong, but it is forbidden by our families. My love for thee is too strong to be broken, this is the only way that I can communicate with thee, I will wait for your response under a tree.
    ~Romeo Montague~

  43. Romeo,

    Oh Romeo, how I miss you so. We have only met once, but I believe I have fallen in love with you, and I wish to be married to you. I only wish we could be together, and we will find a way because our love is like none other, and there is nothing that can stop that sort of feeling. Because the way you held me tight, and how you wanted to be with me so much, that it just wrapped me up and took me in. Come to me young Montague, for I love you.

  44. Hey chick at the party, The moment i say you my first was DANG SHE IS FINE!!!!! AND WHEN OUR lips you I knew that you where the one for me so if you want to get some more of this sexy beast contact me at 1-800-swaggking ;)

  45. Juliet,

    The moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew our love was true, and it almost seemed like destiny that we would meet. But it is a great pity that we have families that are constantly fighting with one another. But that should not be a reason to separate us. Mark my words, no matter what gets in our way, we will have a marvelous wedding and we shall live with one another for eternity.

    With much love,
