Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tragic Love

Welcome to the new class blog for Romeo & Juliet. Read the two questions, and answer 1 of them by posting a complete and well-developed paragraph to the "comments" section below. Explain your thinking.

(1) What is "tragic love?"
(2) Are "hate" and "love" true opposites?


  1. Tragic love is love that can't work. Love from two opposite sides that come together. Tragic love is when two people defy all odds to be together, and then they still can't. Hate and love go hand in hand. You can't hate someone without caring for them at one point. You might not like someone but you don't hate them until they do something to make you want to get rid of them.

  2. 1. Tragic love is usually defined as a love that does not end well. It is a hard and unrealistic relationship that is bound to tragedy. Romeo and Juliet's love doesn't end in happiness either. Tragic love is a love that doesn't last.

  3. "Hate" and "love" are true opposites. When you truly hate someone, you dislike them. You don't want to see them, talk to them, or have anything to do with them. But if you love someone all you do is want to be with them. Spend all the time you can with them, talk to them. The two cant be any father apart.

  4. You can "hate" someone but love them at the same time. Hate and love are opposites, but they can be used together. Hate is a strong word, while love is one we throw around. Love is something we don't understand, while hate is an emotion that is often felt. They are complete opposites, in every way

  5. 1)Tragic Love is a Relationship that deals with a lot of conflicts. You love someone but there is a lot Problems like friends being against it. You parents could be against it also like in Romeo and Juliet. Tragic love could be true love that ends badly. It could be when one of the partner dies, or both dies. That could be an example for tragic love.

  6. (2) Hate and love aren't true opposites because people can have love-hate relationships. They are kind of opposite because hating means you can't stand someone and loving means you can't live without them. But a lot of people have love-hate relationships where someone hates someone at the moment but still loves them. It is like what happens in families sometimes. I may hate my mom right now because she made me clean my room, but I still love her.

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  8. I think that tragic love is where there are two people who love each other and they would do anything for the other person and then the person who is still alive kills themselves. No, I do not believe that hate and love are not true opposites because of the concept of 'Yin-Yang.'

  9. Hate is a really strong word and so is love. To me love and hate are complete opposites. In love there can be issues and people can fight but that's nothing close to hate. Hate is when you really cannot stand someone and don't want to talk to them or be around them. Since both words are so strong and can have intense emotions, but usually the emotions are not similar. If you hate someone you will not be the same around someone you love, which shows that love and hate can change someone. Even though sometimes they can lead to same results they are complete opposites.

  10. 1) Tragic love is a relationship where love is involved, that results in sadness for one or more people. Unrequited love can be tragic, because one person loves another, yet the feeling isn't returned. Another situation resembles that of Romeo and Juliet's love. They both loved each other, but their families forced them to stay apart. They both long for each other, and the separation causes sadness for both people involved. There could also be a very happy relationship, until something occurs that causes it to come to an end. This situation is tragic because both people loved and lost.

  11. Love and hate are true opposites because love is when you like a person to the extent that bad things happening to them makes you very sad, where hate is where you dislike a person to the extent where if something bad happens to them it may even make you happy. For example if your parents died in a car crash, you would be very sad because you love them. But if Joseph Kony died in a car crash, people who hate him would be excited.

  12. Hate and love are true opposites. When you love someone you cant hate them. Even if you get mad at someone you love, there's no way you can get hate them. They are completely opposite, to love someone you care about them and would do anything to protect them, if you hate someone you could care less about their feelings. Love and hate are true opposites.

  13. Love and hate are not true opposites because love is can have other forms than just the romantic love. The romantic love and hate are opposites while unconditional love and hate aren't. An example of this is in the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, where Chris and his dad don't get along but still love each other because they have too, based off of financial and family ties. So love is not always the opposite of hate.

  14. Hate and love are true opposites because they mean the opposite. Love is when you want to be with someone and hate is when you want nothing to do with a person. There has never been a marriage where they hated each other from the beginning.

  15. Tragic love is when two people love each other and one of them dies than the person that didn't die will kill them self so that they can be with the person that dies

  16. Hate and love are true opposites. When you love somebody, you care about them. You wouldn't want anybody to hurt them or damage them. But, when you hate somebody, you don't care what happens to them. Even if there's a fire. Hate and love are definatly opposites. Jacob

  17. The words "hate" and "love" are true opposites because if someone hates someone they will never like them and there is little chance of them liking that someone. If someone loves someone then they will do anything to be together and not hate each other.

  18. Tragic love is the love between a man and a woman that once it is realized cannot be fulfilled. When the love between each other is so strong, but then is realized it cannot be fulfilled. Which defines the (tragic) part. This situation of tragic love can be applied to almost anything. This is why it is called tragic love.


  19. Hate and love are opposites because one is based on good while the other is evil. You don't hate something perfect or pure, instead you love it. And hate is for something dark, evil and maybe annoying. Towards people, you don't like people who are mean, intollrable and who are jerks, you like people who are honest, good and not trying to stab you in the back. They both are very passionate emotions but they key into different emotions and feelings. They also make people strive to do things. Love makes people strive to do good things, while hate causes people to try to destroy things.

  20. Hate and love are true opposites in every way possible. Hate is a negative word used to describe something of great dislike, and is a hurtful word. hate can be used for enemies, not family, spouses, or friends. love is the exact opposite. Its a positive feeling and word used for the most positive up bringing. love speaks of happiness and is a strong feeling one feels for something or someone. unlike hate, that speaks of anger. Love overcomes hate, every time. all these differences make them true opposites; you cant love a person AND hate them. but you can hate because of love.

  21. Hate and love are not true opposites because people are able to express both of them as feelings. To love someone means to show great care and compassion while hate is anger and bad emotions towards someone. You can both hate and love somebody such as your children or spouse. Commonly both are linked together when expressing and opening up to other people. Finally, in relationship, both are exchanged back and forth between one another.

  22. Yes love and hate are is a stronger word for like. And, hate is a stronger word for dislike. They are in no way alike. this is because of their definition.

  23. Tragic love is when two people have strong feelings for each other but somehow a force doesn't want them to be together. This can be like obstacles such as another relationship, friends or even enemies that obstruct the love and eventually turn the feelings the opposite way. WHICH IS TRAGIC!

  24. It is my belief that hate and love are not true opposites, because without hate there would be no love, and without love there is no hate. In life people would be boring without love. love is the feeling of attraction to another person. Usually hate is spawned by jealousy of two people being together. Hate is a dislike of one, to the point of where it would drive a man to kill.

  25. Love and hate are opposites. Love is when you have strong good feelings for someone and loving them for who they are. Hate is not liking someone at all and having no intention of liking anything about them. Their definitions mean complete opposite of each other.

  26. Tragic love i believe is when you love something and have to let it go for a wide variety of reasons. For example, someone you love in your family dies, and you have to let them go because it pains you to think about them. Hate and love are actually not complete opposites, someone can hate someone for a time being and still love them. Hate is another extension on the word dislike, hostility, and aversion.
    -Matt Myers English 9 3rd Period

  27. Love and hate are opposites because love is something caring for someone else and hate is something that dose not care for the other person it a time of when u don't want them to be happy.

    For love: someones mom or dad u love them.
    For Hate: someones enemy or someone they dint like for some reason.

  28. Hate and love are to opposites because although they have strong meanings when said but as this person said above, hate is to strongly dislike and love is a strong desire. For example, saying "I hate ketchup" is different then saying "I love my girlfriend".

  29. Yes hate and love are opposites. They both can be strong feelings but they are very very different. To love someone means that you really do care about them and you wouldn't want that person to get hurt and you want to be around them as much as you possibly can. If you hate someone then you don't really want anything to do with that person and you most likely would like to cause them physical or emotional harm.

  30. Hate and love are opposites although it doesn't seem like they are, you can be in love with someone and then get in a fight with them and be mad and say you hate them but you know that inside you don't hate them because you love them. So love and hate are true opposites only because it is like impossible to actually hate and love someone at one specific time. You either have one feeling or the other you can't really have both.

  31. Tragic Love is when two people love each other but cannot be together for some reason. It is called tragic for this very reason. Two people in love are forced apart. To some this is the exact definition of tragic. It is pulling apart two who wish not to part.

  32. Tragic love is some type of affection that is in some way or the other, not going to work out. It is used today in books just as much as older pieces of literature. As for the second question, they are not complete opposites. If you break both down they have similar components. These two emotions are both very passionate and often very hard o relent. As well as the fact that both emotions are usually focused towards one person. Both these emotions can be painful for both parties involved as well. I cannot remember where I heard this, but there is a quote that say "Between love and hate lies a very thin line.

  33. Hate and love are true opposites. Hate is showing compassion for a certain dislike for a person or thing, whereas love is showing compassion for a certain liking or longing for a person or thing. They are opposites because they are comparing two like things, but these two like things are different in their meaning but the same in nature. It is fairly easy to truly love something or truly hate something, but almost impossible to truly love and hate one thing at the same time. These emotions are very conflicting but can usually be expressed with the color red.

  34. Love and hate are true opposites. When someone has the feeling of love for another person, they constantly want to be around them and would do anything for them. For most, even die for them. Hating someone is a complete opposite, someone will do anything to avoid them and wouldn't consider doing anything for them voluntarily. There would normally be no acceptance of any gift of any sort, or the desire to give one. Although the phrases "I love you." and "I hate you." are thrown around as if they were meaningless and had no weight, there is meaning if they come from the heart.

  35. yes love and hate have to totally different meanings. love is a synonym for like and hate is a synonym for dislike or against. Love can mean numerous different things such as i love my parents or my dog or my girlfriend. love also means you can like something or an object or a sport. an example would be, "I love soccer" or, "I am in love with her." Same thing with hate. example would be, " I hate going to the doctors" or, "I hate you."

  36. Hate and Love are not true opposites because they both help express how someone is feeling, they both portray the same thing. Everywhere all around the world people over use both of these terms. "I Love you" can come out of any two day middle school relationship. "I Hate you" can used for a 5 year who stole your crayon. These both have very strong definitions that no one will ever able to truly find the answer to. They both define how you feel about something or someone. Going into depth about how love is a happy feeling and to hate is evil is not the true definition of these terms. They both express to someone the way you feel, and most times they aren't actually used to there full meaning.

  37. Tragic love is when there are two people in love but for some reason they can't be together. Such things as death, social disapproval, geographic location, and jealous people can keep two lovers apart. It's tragic because they cant be together.

  38. Hate and Love are not true opposites. People think of them as opposites because love is to show care and compassion for someone or something. Hate is to show dislike and anger towards someone or something. You don't have to either love or hate someone or something you can feel both at the same time. For example, I know that sometimes I say that I hate my family. I may hate them at that moment, but I still love them all the time. Another example, is that I would hate to lose one of my family members because I love them.

  39. Love and hate are true opposites simply because of their definitions and because of the emotions they are associated with. To love is to have a passionate affection for someone. While to hate is to dislike someone or something intensely. For example hate usually comes with the emotion anger or sadness, and love comes with joy and happiness.

  40. Love and Hate are opposites just as much as up and down. They are complete opposites and are never the same. Love is a much higher degree of like and hate is a much higher degree of dislike. I have no idea why someone would even think that love and hate are even close to one another. they can exist together, but are not the same at all. I have heard of a love hate relationship, but that is a different term and is not the same.

  41. Love and Hate are opposites because love and hate are two different things . Hate is when someone does something that another person doesn't like. Love is when two people are affectionate towards each other. As I said Love and Hate are opposites since there is no possible way to hate out of love or how hatred related to love or any other way.

  42. Hate and love are truly opposites because hate is a negative word used to describe something you strongly dislike and love is opposite of hate and is a positive word that is used to when you would miss them forever if anything would ever happen to them and show them you care. In many relationship either between your family and friends, you many hate someone at times because you are mad at them although deep inside you will always truly love them. People many say they hate a family member yet, days or so later they always feel bad and don't really mean what they say. Love and hate are opposite feeling and will never have the same meaning.

  43. i think that love and hate cant be oppistes because there is no true define defination of love or hate. its like a giant color well with these fellings and you cant truely be on one but not the other. we also change our minds on love or hate every day like you may hate someone then the next day people are best friends. if we knew what the lines are then they could be opisite,r:1,s:61&tx=105&ty=88

  44. Tragic Love is defined as a "true" relationship, that in the end, goes out in disaster. An example is in Romeo and Juliette. The both of them do everything in their power to be together, but in the end it does not work out because of the tragic event that happened in the end. It can't end well or else it wouldn't be called "tragic love". In tragic love, there are many conflicts that you face, and try to overcome them, but can't.

  45. Tragic love is when you are head over heels in love with a man or a girl and you cant stop thinking about them or talking about them then all of a sudden you loose that person and you cant ever see or talk to them ever again! and that is what Tragic love mean

  46. I think that tragic love is really when two people that love each other but they cant be with each other, and so thats why it is is "tracic" :)

  47. I think that tragic love is when two people love each other more than anything but cannot be together. There's always tragedies that will come along and try to ruin the two peoples love but even if it doesn't work it will still cause a dent or tough moment/event in the relationship. I honestly think that Love and Hate are not true opposites. I think behind hate there is a form of love that the hate is made out of and that behind love there is a form of hate that the love is made out of. So i guess there opposites but not entirely.
